Oct 24, 2011


Top of the night to my lovely readers. I appreciate your direct feedback to posts. However, I urge you to not be shy and write your views so that others can participate. Remember that it can be done anonymously if you so desire. With that being said, let us explore tonight's topic - the birthday cake.
I love cake just as the next gal or guy. I wouldn't say that I have a favourite, though Black Forest is a delicious treat when bought from the right cake company.
It is exactly twelve days since I have had my birthday and I did not have any cake. It was not intentional, it just didn't work out. Even if most people don't throw a birthday party they at least have some sort of cake or pastry to seal the deal. It makes me wonder if there is a time limit in which you can have your birthday cake. If the month is finished does it still qualify as a birthday cake?

Oct 3, 2011


Tomorrow I will have to seriously start putting my literary works together. I have a lot of work to post. I am thinking of starting a new blog to post the interviews that I have conducted but it is pretty hard to come up with a cool enough name for it. I am also contemplating if I should give it a new home since I already have two blogs here. Regardless of that my faithful readers AT Blogger will get access. So how it the new week treating yall?