May 3, 2020


There are so many debates about how one should emerge after the corona virus pandemic. It is impossible to expect EVERYONE should have learnt a new skill or documented a business idea. My reality is different from that of another person even if we share commonalities or live in the same house. In fact, live alone so I have the freedom of doing whatever I want. I have a good friend who also lives alone but he is the father of two children.

Yes we should hold each other to higher standards. However we shouldn't have to force our expectations on others or ridicule them. We can however hope that things will be better for each individual.

Growing up I used to hear the adults say: "seven brothers seven different minds".


my yute dont sell yourself short and never hide your potential just to fit into what ppl think u are
some people just dont know how to measure the potential of ppl
they judge b4 they try to help
sad thing is that all these i am telling you i had to learn on my own. i tell you reading really does help
i never had anyone to sit me down and tell me these things
i try to learn from ppl's experiences


It feels good to be in love. Focus is all over the place. I am in love with Jesus. I am in love with creation. I am in love with creating. I am in love with new discoveries. I am in love with travelling. I am in love with my family. I am in love with Jamaica.
With all the injustice plaguing the "tallawah" island of Jamaica I wonder if the powers that be ever question themselves and ask: "Am I a part of that problem?"

For too long we have embraced garrison communities. For too long we have nurtured the life of poverty as if it is something to be proud of. How can someone not feel emotional when they see the squalor that our citizens live in?

No use in complaining if I can't offer a solution. I am doing my part little by little to try and encourage people to believe that they deserve a better life. It all starts with knowing our identity.

Who are you?

Confessions of a Blogger

This is me:

1. I have a 9-5: Blogging for some folks is a full time job that pays the bills. Not so for me. Especially since I am on the more boring end of the North Coast where scammers riding "John Crows" (motorbikes) on Market Street is cool. Point is, there isn't much of a social scene to talk about.

2. New Creature: I got baptized August of this year and my first focus is on the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone and everything else comes after.

3. Malfunctioning Laptop: It is easier to churn out the words in my head if I was infront of a computer screen. For now my trusty Smartphone has been doing the job.

4. Youtube: I actually like recording random things and posting them on Youtube unedited.

5. Foodie: I am big on cooking and trying new cuisines.