Jul 31, 2006

MIND OF A (insert noun here)

Those who've spent quality time talking to me know that I am considered a laid back, fun, strange, but intelligent person. Hmm, I like the idea of strange more. Can we say, keeping it real at all times? Yeah that's me. So hang in there and prepare to be weirded out, confused, amused, etc.


  1. brace urselves ppl!!!

    incomin!! dont let she ¡confunde ur minds...distorta ur delicate pensamientos! dont do it!

    but seriously, she got sum good articles goin here...jus disfrutalos an post a comment!

    !andale wid di readin!


  2. Good luck with your blog.
    A blog is a greedy creature...
    It demands your time...
    It begs to be fed...
    It craves attention
    It desires to be stroked, petted, held...
    If not...it fades and dies...
