Feb 9, 2013



It is my first post for 2013 therefore I will make it short.

Life has been good. My sister welcomed twin boys a week ago, Jacob and Josiah. I am a proud aunt all over again. People keep saying that it is my turn but I shall pay them no mind. When the stress of motherhood comes along they won't be around to help me relieve it.

Work is work. Long hours, a few silly coworkers, mostly nice customers.

I realize that Hollywood has been getting things right this past year where filmmaking is concerned. Moviegoers seem to be over and done with the Frodo and Twilight melodrama. *sigh of relief* I see Bruce Willis is back kicking ass in a new Die Hard flick - thumbs up!

Kudos to National Commercial Bank on being anal and topping the Incompetence in Service award.

I bid you farewell my wonderful friends.