Dec 21, 2008
Dec 16, 2008
Can it work? Couples live together in the same house and cheat on each other, yet there are couples who don't and they maintain a healthy and honest relationship. HMMM.
Nov 28, 2008
Nov 27, 2008
The best thing about my "Twilight" experience was that I never read any of the books in the series. I was aware of the hype about Robert Pattinson and I wasn't even phased. I didn't even know he was in one of the Harry Potter movies.
The film Twilight, or Crepúsculo (Spanish title) became an instant favourite of mine. Why? Because of the camera work, cinematography, special effects, and Pattinson's interpretation. All those elements made me forgive the sometime cheesy dialogue of some of the supporting cast. I'm a sucker for a good romance movie, but Bella's role was sort of awkward and desperate. Seriously, could she be any more annoying when she's begging for Edward's affection? Kristen Stewart did a really good job, she reminds me Alexis Bledel of the Gilmore Girls fame.
Nov 18, 2008
Nov 15, 2008
Mario Benedetti
Me parece confundido el cuento después del tercer párrafo puesto que el autor empieza a intercambiar el alterego y Armando Corriente.
El Otro Yo era su parte culta porque gozaba la poesía, los atardeceres, entre otras cosas. Se puede decir era su parte "femenina" pues a las mujeres les gozan estas cosas, y es por eso Armando se siente incómodo al presentar su Otro Yo enfrente de sus amigos.
Decidió cambiar su personalidad al "matar" el Otro Yo para que actúe más masculino entre sus maigos y siente "igual". El chiste es que lo hizo pero no valió la pena porque sus amigos ya le dejaron. Al quitar su Otro Yo, ya no es un ser entero.
Nov 11, 2008
Joubert y el Espacio
En esta obra Maurice Blanchot nos presenta con teorías desde su perspectiva especial sobre el francés Joseph Joubert.
No sé cómo debo describir a Joseph Joubert porque no he leído ninguno de sus trabajos, pero desde la lectura que planteó Blanchot, es seguro decir que Joubert era un hombre quien escribía cartas documentando sus pensamientos cotidianos y la práctica duraba décadas. No me parece poeta, ni novelista, tampoco es filósofo, pero parece que tuviera las habilidades de ser cualquiera de ellos. Toma en cuenta esta frase que me parece tiene un estilo filosófico y poético “Yo soy, lo confesaré, como un arpa eolia, que produce algunos sonidos bellos, pero no ejecuta ninguna música”. Se puede interpretar que los sonidos bellos son sus pensamientos que nunca ejecuta un libro (la música). Es una manera de negarse el talento.
Joubert pasaba toda su vida poniendo retos y buscando pretextos para no terminar un libro, “… Y además, es necesario dejar que mis nubes se amontonen y se condensen”. Se preparaba para escribir una obra que ya sabía que nunca publicaría aunque tiene el talento de hacerlo, “En la madurez, casi todos sus amigos son escritores famosos con quienes vive metido en la literatura y quienes, además, conociendo sus confirmados talentos de pensamiento y de forma, lo incitan a salir de su silencio”. Guardó el libro en su mente, “¡Mis ideas! Me cuesta construir la casa donde alojarlas”. Llegar al producto final fue el reto. Se disfrutaba la jornada de escribir entonces seguía con el viaje sin pensar en llegar al destino; su jornada duraba muchos años. El reconocimiento o la riqueza que probablemente quería fue ser el amigo de muchos escritores reconocidos; las amistades le daban un placer personal. Le gustó el concepto del sufrimiento porque se hacía sentir vivo, “Pero prefirió ese fracaso al compromiso del éxito”. Joubert se contradice a sí mismo cuando dice “No soy de naturaleza paciente”. A lo mejor tuvo un gran ego “Aquí estoy, fuera de las cosas civiles y en la pura región del Arte.” ¿Se sentía como ser humano o como extraterrestre? ¿Es por esta razón que se preocupaba por el cielo? Su espiritualidad es evidente cuando habla del cielo, el espacio, y las estrellas. Es un genio que tuvo una imaginación impresionante que ha provocado tantas dudas a la inteligencia. Ser escritor es una tarea difícil porque el público criticará sus publicaciones, sean críticas negativas o positivas.
Nov 9, 2008
Okay so maybe I won't be the best at punditry, but, it's worth a shot. Where is all this coming from? Blame it on Rachel Maddow goddamit! Why did she have to be charismatic, cute, intelligent and witty? Damn you too MSNBC! Now I have another unexpected goal added to my list of, you guessed it, list of unexpectations.
I am sorry Jon Stewart. I have been a fan of yours since Big Daddy (so hot in that movie), but as great as The Daily Show is, it didn't make me think of being a pundit. Stephen Colbert, you are a funny guy.
In other news, some losers, uhm I mean some of my acquaintances on MSN Messenger are all sporting "Barack Obama" references in their nicknames. Or, they have Mr. Obama's photo as their display picture. It's all good, but let's see how long they will keep it up.
Wuthering Heights
A Density of Souls
Secret Garden
Cry the Beloved Country
Call Me Crazy
El Túnel
La Muerte de Artemio Cruz
Wu Manual
Memoirs of a Geisha
The Bonesetter's Daughter
Lamb's Tale From Shakespeare
Miguel Street
Of Mice and Men
A Raisin In The Sun
Pray For Us
Oedipus Rex
Cry Wolf
Erotica Vampirica
The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen
Between Lovers
The Body Artist
The Narrows
Los Albañiles
Platinum Girl - The Life and Legends of Jean Harlow
Stupid White Men
Nov 8, 2008
So I went to the cinema with some friends and we watched The House Bunny. My option was Burn After Reading, just because it had "reading" in the title. I never read the synopsis or any reviews about Burn After Reading so that made me want to watch it even more. My friends and I walked and joked around the mall. After that we headed for the snack counter; I eye flirted with the manager at the snack counter while my friends bought nachos, popcorn and soda. Inside the theater was packed!
The House Bunny eventually started and there was nothing but laughter and giggles coming from the audience from beginning to end. Anna Farris and the entire supporting cast did a great job. I must admit that Kat Dennings stole all the scenes that she was in. The music also had me dancing in my seat. Rihanna, The Ting Tings and Metro Station were artistes' music I immediately recognized.
Go see The House Bunny!
Nov 6, 2008
Nov 2, 2008
"What's the difference between the wise and the fool?, when the wise live and die, likewise the fool'" - A Man Is Just A Man by Garnett Silk
"We made, touch more niggas than AIDS, bust my gun at the sun so I can sit in the shade" - Tommy's Theme by Made Men & The Lox
"Shoot at Big Ben like we got time to kill", "Put on my gasoline boots and walk through hell" - Method Man... Protect Ya Neck (The Jump Off) by Wu Tang Clan
Oct 31, 2008
Oct 25, 2008
Oct 24, 2008
Hilarious, yet worrisome, when you listen to what is being said by the interviewees.
Oct 16, 2008
Oct 11, 2008
Oct 9, 2008
Sep 12, 2008
Sep 9, 2008

Sep 4, 2008
Brinsley and Black Star were revered as kings. I also had some groupie action coming my way. I felt like a rock star, they must have thought I was a backup singer or the girlfriend of one of the members. I kept it cool though :-P
Brinsley really gave a spectacular live performance, and kept the vibe going. I found it amazing how he led the Spanish-speaking crowd into a sing along without knowing much Spanish words. You can tell this man is a veteran performer who takes his craft seriously. Black Star is skilled too. I first heard them at the Jamaican Independence Day celebration in Mexico City. I called up one of the members and he took me to their studio where they were watching an Earth, Wind and Fire DVD.
I highly recommend going to your favourite record store and get Aswad records. When Spragga Benz sang: "a Rasta run di world", he knew what's up.
Aug 24, 2008

Found this article on Yahoo and just thought that we should really recognize the struggle of many of the Olympians. My island for one has many Olympians that came from humble beginnings and that is why we treat them like heroes and burst with pride for just being able to participate.

Aug 17, 2008
Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi have tied the knot on August 16, 2008! When I heard the news on Thursday, I believe, that they were going to wed in an intimate ceremony I was so ecstatic. For me Ellen is one of the few coolest Hollywood celebrities because of the fun, zany and just plain oddball things she says and does on her talk show and comedic routines. I applaud her endeavours. WTF! She and the millions of American gays deserve equal rights too.
So America, why not make gay marriage legal in every state? Aren't you guys "the land of the free and the home of the brave"? Now I can't throw stones because I live in a glass house. Jamaica does not support anything homosexual. Gay club or community in Jamaica? FORGET ABOUT IT! Even Mexico has numerous gay clubs and they aren't harassed; even though in the world's eyes they are an extremely "macho" society.
I'm waiting for the change to come when we can all truly enjoy equal rights and opportunities.

Aug 16, 2008

Jamaica might not be a first world country but we sure feel and act like it. We don't think much of challenges, except to overcome them. Thanks to folks like Bob Marley and Usain Bolt, Jamaica's name keeps rolling off the tongues of many. August 16, 2008 is a great day for me because I got to see a fellow Jamaican making his mark in 21st Century history. I woke up early enough to see the great race of men. This was my Olympic highlight. I hope that our female athlethes will also make history. Hey Sanya Richards even though you are wearing the American colours I'll still claim your success as our own because myself and other Jamaicans still support your endeavours.
Big ups to equestrian Samantha Albert. When I told a Jamaican native living in Cambridge, MA that we did well in the equestrian event, her reply was "we deh ride horse?" I had to laugh at her surprise, then begin explaining that Jamaicans and horses are peas in a pod. Caymanas Track anyone? Talk about the many betting shops people "live" at when they can't make it to the live races. I myself have bet a few times because of a tip. I won once. Years ago

Kudos to our swimmers for their efforts. 2012 we'll give our competitors the Michael Phelps treatment.
Shout out to the people in Mexico who have congratulated me on our performance: Zao, Alely, Gabriela, Johan, Yazmin. It was well appreciated ladies :-)
Jul 25, 2008
Jul 8, 2008
The view from on top of the pyramid was breathtaking. The sun fought with the clouds and it made for even better reflection. Talk about nostalgia. The surroundings are well kept and the climb isn't as painful and long like that of Tepoztlan. The workers were above to ensure the security of the archives. Can't allow an Indiana Jones type asshole to desecrate what's left of such a rich history.
Highlight of the trip would be when the State Police shafted us out of 300 pesos infront ofthe entrance of Laguna de Zempoala. Why did we have to stop and ask for directions. Gina, Heather and I pretended that we didn't speak nor understand Spanish so that we didn't have to converse with one of the policemen which by no surprise began speaking the little English that he knew. I was told by Heather that I didn't do a good job of "not knowing Spanish" granted that my pronunciation was on point :-) She suggested that I hang out with the gringos (folks from the U.S.A.) more often so I can copy their Spanish speaking accent. That was obviously a low blow to the Americans. I didn't care to defend the Americans because Heather is Canadian and I'm from the islands. Let the first worlders get it on!!!!
Gwaan hol' di faith and keep on keeping on.
Jun 16, 2008
I think that should be taken into consideration when my exam papers are being marked
Don't you?
It's only fair, if I can't remember, it's not my fault
Wishful thinking, right?
I have had such an off week
I literally felt like doing nothing
I really hope today is the last of it
My procrastination was at an all time high this week.
Not good at all.
It's funny with things like that,
How you know you need to get up and get stuff done even if you don't feel like it,
But that's where it ends,
I need to shake this.
Any suggestions?
A friend of mine sent this to me in an email on June 6, 2008. She wrote every word of it, I just set it in a way that it sounds like a.... what is the word? hmm a poem maybe? Well whatever you want to call it, I find it to be honest.
Jun 9, 2008
Jun 5, 2008
May 17, 2008
Shows were broadcasted live on from the Universidad Internacional in Morelos, Mexico.
May 10, 2008
I also found out this chick from the high school section of my university has a crush on me. I got a note delievered to me by a friend of hers, lol. Won't get into much details, let's just say I'm a bit scared. For a few weeks now this girl has been screaming my name out whenever she saw me. Turns out she paid her classmate 10 pesos to find out what my name was... I found out who she is the following day, so that I can be on the look out.... Isn't Mexico grand?
20 Nov, 2006
It was amazing! Can u say "Jamaica's Next Top Model"?... No way!! Not interested in modelling as a career!!! I don't even like posing for photos. Too much shit to do like makeup, hair, people all in your face, and oh my, taking off your clothes infront of complete strangers.
In other news, in mid February I shot another television commercial for my university. So that'll be two commercials under my belt. Last week I was asked to host a tourism segment on their tv station. I guess I would be travelling to cool places and do reports, also get to wear cool clothes from the mall. I didn't have any interest in doing it neither, I didn't go to the casting, but the casting came to me. I did a mini interview during class on my teacher's camcorder. It's not so bad being on tv (haven't got paid for any of this). People recognize me from the commercials but they don't say anything (must be my don't fuck with me attitude). I'm still one of the few foreign students at my university. They recently got another girl from Chicago to teach english, she's Jamaican by birth. I wanna take guitar lessons so I gotta buy a guitar. Recently found out that my dad plays a few instruments (he owns 2 guitars). Hoping we can have a jam session in the future.
Así es la vida folks!
March 5, 2007
- business card (non silver shop related)
- ticket stub de estrella blanca
- bum a cigarillo from someone
- corona bottle cap
- a flower
- chopsticks
-gratitude rock
- rolling paper
- a blue-tipped match
- un beso de un taxista en a VW (picture)
- picture of street poop
- picture of a camel toe (not your own or team members' own)
- picture of an extranjero (unknown)
- picture (of your whole team) drinking in the Zócalo
- picture of one team member with a police officer
- picture with an/or of an Asian
- picture of someone soaking their feet in the fountain
- picture of team drinking at Las Fuentes (final detsination)
It was odd to see a bunch of foreign girls running around wild during the holy processions, poor taxqueñans. Shout out to Dahlia, Erika, Heather, Israel and Meredith!
May 2, 2008
March 5, 2006
March 5, 2006
May 1, 2008
And previously I was feeling Kanye West's 'Diamonds Are Forever' joint with Jay-Z, therefore I used 'Difficult takes a day impossible takes a week' and 'I had to get off the boat so I could walk on water' as screen names. I hope that the people who were asking got the drift. Screen names should reflect who you are or aren't. It's also a way of putting information out there. I see some of you people dropping in advertisements for events and stuff. That is being creative, and cheap hahahahah Take care of you. Hol' di faith.
March 2, 2006
We were raised to have free will. So even though we're from the land of Reggae, we never hid the fact that rock music is so fucking awesome and that you suck if you don't like at least one rock song! We are hardcore so grandma can think and say whatever. We still played Chop Suey every night annoying the neighbours and we played it loud. (I now apologize for your sleepless nights Maxine, NOT!!) I will do it again, even though I am older and know better. ROCK ON!!!
May 14, 2006
Place Founded: D.F., Mexico
Members: Omar, Georgina, Melissa and me ofcourse
Mission: To be leaders
Motto: We don't give a fuck about what anyone thinks, we strive for the best, we appreciate the finer things in life, and when it's time to party we will always party hard!
June 11, 2006
June 17, 2006
Keep it pimping and shake it easy my good folks.
Click on the title to go to Rey's blog.
1. My family and loved ones are ok.
2. My needs are taken care of: bills are paid, beers, tacos
3. I get good grades
4. I still have the ability to readIn other words just avoid me if u coming wid any complications or negative vibes.
I DON'T DO DRAMA! So don't bring it near my aura.
Apr 30, 2008
ADVICE: It doesn't always have to rhyme hahahaha :=)Yeah so try going the poetry route when:
a) your coworker/boss pisses you off
b) you wanna praise someone special in your life
c) when your best friend needs cheering up
d) when u secretly wanna harm someone but then you realize that being incarcerated suckse) the list goes on........
Remember to be good if you can't be bad!
Non governmental organizations should help the unemployed to start farming in all areas. Ginger sells for a lot of money in some countries, England being one of them, but not many local farmers grow it (I plan on going into the ginger farming business in a few years). In Jamaica for example we should renovate the textile factories and start making quality clothing that we can export and stop spending an arm and a leg on foreign designer clothes. We have so many local designers that need more distribution. The clothes are worthy of a space in any of the fine department stores situated in the fashion capitals of the world.
I'm basically trying to say we should create/support Caribbean owned businesses and keep as much money as possible flowing within the islands.
Apr 22, 2008
"I'm a hustler's hope, I'm not his pipe dream, so when they speak of success, I'm what they might mean" - Jay-Z... featured on Mr. Me Too Pt. 2 by The Clipse
"Addiction needs a pacifier" - Loser by 3 Doors Down
"I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now" - Wonderwall by Oasis
"I mean fucking you is strange and enjoyed by me throughout" - Stitches by Orgy
"I'm taking rock and roll to another level, iced out skull heads"... Juelz Santana featured on We Fly High Beef Mix by Jim Jones
"Gang of Jamaican Al Pacinos drinking Blue Mountain cappuccinos" - Hey Girl by Damian Marley
"I remind them so much of who they are supposed to be, I'm of royalty" - Dem A Wonder by Sizzla
"I'm not going to write you a love song, because you ask for it" - Love Song by Sara Bareilles
"I love to fall asleep with her in arms, I love to feel her skin against my palms... Her body is mine and I can get it anytime" - China Doll by Panic & the Rebel Emergency
"I'm not guessing, you are a blessing in disguise" - Juvenile by Panic & the Rebel Emergency
"Life is good and the girls are gorgeous" - These Streets by Paolo Nutini
"Lauryn baby use your head, but instead I chose to use my heart" - To Zion by Lauryn Hill
"We'll share the shelter of my single bed" - Is This Love by Bob Marley
"So much cuts on your wrist they'd think you tried suicide" - Jimmy Choo by Shyne & Ashanti
"I'm screaming fuck the world on my victory lap" - 300 Bars by The Game
"Don't worry if I write rhymes, I write cheques" - Bad Boy For Life by P. Diddy
"I got my own crib so you can't kick me out, I'll call one of your friends to come twist me out" - Jadakiss, Day & Night by Isyss f/ Jadakiss
"He doesn't look a thing like Jesus" - When You Were Young by The Killers
Anyways I can't think of anymore right now because my brain is shutting down. It's 2:25am
.... hol' di faith
Apr 17, 2008
I was the only grandchild she taught how to read, supposedly I was 3 years old. Hence my being such a nerd. Cindy is strong as an ox and looks younger than her 80+ years. We both have a petite frame and resembled each other when I was a youngster. I look more like my dad last time I checked. Hence my being mistaken for a boy a few times during my childhood. Go figure!
What I am getting at is that I am who I am because of who my grandmother is. Go figure!
..........if you can't be good be bad :-)
Mar 31, 2008
1. The freakishly hot weather in Cuernavaca. The mexicans think I'm lying when I tell them that Cuernavaca is hotter than my neighbourhood in Jamaica! WTF! I can breathe easily in Jamaica and I hardly ever sweat; even when I walked in the afternoon sun to get lunch.
2. I'm adapting too much to my environment. Honestly, I sometimes feel like blowing off doing work because no one else in class does it. Like I stay up at nights or wake early in the before morning to complete projects and then when it's time for presentation I am the only person who has it done. WTF x 10!............ But that'll never happen. I feel like blowing it off but I never do :-)
3. I have no interest in certain subject matter that I'm being taught.
4. Personal issues just keep my mind occupied.
5. Daydreaming
6. Television
7. Online conversations, ie. like being in contact with everyone.
8. Random research/investigation online about topics that I'm interested in.
9. Reading the news online
10. My iTunes playlist.
11. End of the 5th season of The L Word. What the heck else am I going to watch that is half as entertaining?
Ok so I am going to read that darn book right now. It's called Los Albañiles by Vicente Leñero. I'm on page 16 and I still don't know what's going on :-(
Mar 20, 2008
I recently teamed up with my classmate Alely and produced a commercial for a class project. Talk about fun!! Don't get me wrong, our characters were dolls, and that was what made it so much fun. We provided the voices and moved them around. The hardest part was avoiding the damn bugs in the park and the annoying groundsman that chose to cut the grass while we were filming... A piece of stone flew and hit me on the right side of my face.
So the product is a condom. Concept of the commercial is two women in the jungle who shared a sexual experience using the condom. The park is located in Cuernavaca, Mexico.
Anyways we did ditch Señor groundsman and had some huge acorazados for lunch. YUMMYY!!!